قال ابن ذريح العكبري : طلبت أحمد بن حنبل  فسلمت عليه ، وكان شيخا مخضوبا طوالا أسمر شديد السمرة وعن محمد بن عباس النحوي قال : رأيت أحمد بن حنبل حسن الوجه ، ربعة ، يخضب بالحناء خضابا ليس بالقاني ، في لحيته شعرات سود ، ورأيت ثيابه غلاظا بيضا ، ورأيته معتما وعليه إزار .
Ibn Dharih al-’Ukbari said: “I requested to see Ahmad bin Hanbal. So, I greeted him, and he was an old man who dyed his hair. He was tall and Asmar extremely Sumurah in colour.”Muhammad bin ‘Abbas an-Nahwi said: “I saw Ahmad bin Hanbal with a handsome face, well-formed, and dyeing his hair with henna that was not too dark. He had black hairs in his beard, and I saw his clothes extremely white. When I saw him, he was wearing a turban and anizar.”

Ibn Hazm may Allah have mercy upon him understood  shadeed al Sumurah to mean as dark as tar :


In Majhooraat Ansaab Al Arab , Ibn Hazm Al Andaloosy on page 45 said,

” And Hassan was nicknamed the Father of Tar because of his extreme Sumarah complexion.’’

قال  ابن حزم الاندلسي في كتابه مجوهرات انساب العرب  صفحة ٤٥

”والحسن، كان يلقب أبا الزفت لشدة سمرته
