AKHDAR : اخضر


ADAM : ادم   ADAM SHADEED AL UDMAH : ادم شديد الادمة   ADLAM : ادلم    ASWAD : اسود    ASMAR : اسمر    ASHAM : اسحم   GREEN : اخضر    WHITE : ابيض      RED : احمر – اشقر


AKHDAR /اخضر

Most people are unaware of the fact that the Arabs of the past used the term “green” for black. Black and green were used interchangeably. This is why black-skinned Al Fadl Ibn Al Abbas Ibn ‘Utba Ibn Abi Lahab said:

I am the green (black) one. I am well-known. My skin is green (black). I am from the noble house of the Arabs. Whoever crosses swords with me, will cross swords with one who is noble and strong.”


Kitaab Al Mqaayyis Chapter 2 page 195

فالخضرة من الألوان معروفة . والخضراء : السماء ، للونها ، كما سميت الأرض الغبراء . وكتيبة خضراء ، إذا كانت عليتها سواد الحديد ،  ، فيسمى الأسود أخضر

Green is a colour that is well known. Green : the sky, for it’s colour, like how the dust of the land is named… ……. so green is named black



Ibn Hajjar said in Fath AlBaari , chapter 14 , page 243.

و العرب تطلق الأخضر عَلى كل لون ليس بأبيض و لا احمر ،قال شاعر : و أنا الأخضر من يعرفني اخضر الجلدة من نسل العرب

يعني انه ليس باحمر كالعجم ،والأحمر يطلقونه على كل من ليس بعربي و منه “بعث الى الأسود و الأحمر

“And the Arabs use the word اخضر to mean any colour that is NOT ابيض or احمر . The poet said , “I am the green one , who knows me, green is the colour of Arabs ”
Ibn Hajar then said, ” He means he is NOT red like the AJAM, and the colour AHMAR is used for whoever is NOT an Arab and from it ” I was sent to the red and the black.”


Another explanation for the term Green is a virtuous person according to the author of Asaas Al Balaagha.

…..و فلان اخضر : كثير الخير

“A green person (jet black person ) : (means someone with) a lot of Khayr.”

اساس البلاغة ج1


Read about the poet who called himself green

Read more about others who were called green here
